Too high? You're not alone. Many people have been there before, and the good news is, there are ways to come down. With a bit of help and some items from around the house, you can start feeling like yourself again.
Let's examine what happens when you get too high, how to stop being high, and how to avoid consuming too much cannabis.
Key Takeaways:
Getting too high can be unpleasant, and you may feel several side effects, like anxiety and nausea.
Things like taking a shower and deep breathing can help you relax.
By consuming cannabis in moderation and being aware of your tolerance, you can avoid getting too high.
What Happens When You Get Too High?
When you consume THC, it binds to the cannabinoid receptors in your brain and causes psychoactive effects. These cannabinoid receptors are part of a more extensive system called the endocannabinoid system, which helps regulate things like mood, sleep, and appetite.
When you get too high, it can lead to an overstimulation of this system. This can cause feelings of anxiety, paranoia, and dizziness. In addition, THC affects everyone differently, so while one person may feel relaxed and happy, another may feel nervous and uncomfortable.
After a couple of hours, your body will start breaking down the THC, which gradually stops it from binding to your cannabinoid receptors. This process is why the high eventually wears off.
Symptoms of Being Too High
When you have too much THC in your system, it can cause a range of unpleasant intoxicating effects.
These side effects can include:
Anxiety and paranoia
Panic attacks
Shortness of breath
Dry Mouth
Rapid heart rate
Nausea and vomiting
In addition, consuming too much cannabis can impair concentration and coordination. This can make driving and operating machinery unsafe.
How Long Will It Take to Stop Being High?
There are numerous ways to consume marijuana, and each method delivers THC in different ways and at different speeds.
Smoking and vaping provide the quickest way for THC to reach your bloodstream and brain. This is because cannabis smoke or vapor enters your lungs and boosts your blood THC levels.
The effects of smoking and vaping marijuana will peak within 30 minutes and then begin to dissipate. However, on average, it will take anywhere from two to five hours to stop feeling the effects of THC entirely.
Oral consumption methods provide a slower onset because your body must first digest the weed. It may take several hours to feel THC's full impact with edibles, and the psychoactive effects last much longer than smoking or vaping. With orally consumed cannabis, it can take anywhere from five to twelve hours to stop being high.
Different Ways to Counteract THC
Luckily, you can do several things to counteract the adverse side effects of weed you may be feeling. Here are some popular methods you can use to stop being high.
Eating a Light Snack
If you're feeling too high and want to come down quickly, try eating a light snack. Food will help to distract your mind and settle your stomach.
Light snacks like pine nuts and sunflower seeds are healthy and contain high levels of unsaturated fats. In addition, pine nuts also have limonene, a terpene that may relieve stress and boost mood. Limonene can also be found in citrus if you're not a fan of nuts.
Eating can also help to ease symptoms like nausea and dry mouth. However, try not to overeat, as this can intensify stomach discomfort or diminish your energy levels.
Chew Black Peppercorns
Black peppercorns contain the terpene beta-caryophyllene. This terpene can help to counteract the effects of THC, and many cannabis consumers believe black pepper helps alleviate anxiety and stress.
You can also find beta-caryophyllene in cinnamon, cloves, oregano, and basil.
Eat Foods with Black Pepper
If the idea of having to chew black peppercorns doesn't sound appealing, try eating food that contains black pepper. This includes things like curries, lemon pepper wings, salt & pepper chips, or a steak with peppercorn sauce.
Drinking water, juice, or sports drinks can relieve some of the adverse effects of being high, like dry mouth. Plus, adequate hydration helps you sober up and keeps your mind focused on something beneficial.
While using alcohol to relax may be tempting, avoid doing this. Alcohol is a depressant and may amplify any harmful emotions.
Exercise is a great way to stop being high. It can take your mind off of any unpleasant feelings and also helps to improve circulation. Light yoga or going for a walk are both great options. Just be sure to avoid anything too strenuous, as this can lead to an increased heart rate.
Healthline Media offers many great yoga videos on YouTube that you can watch, including this quick yoga flow for anxiety:
Get Some Fresh Air
Step outside and take a deep breath. Fresh air can clear your head and stimulate your senses.
Scientific evidence shows that spending time outdoors positively impacts our well-being. Plus, nature and the outside elements can provide a pleasant distraction from ruminating or any adverse effects you may be experiencing.
Although it may sound counterintuitive, products like CBD oil may help you relax if you feel too high. CBD provides many of the same benefits as THC but without strong psychoactive effects.
In addition, a theory called the entourage effects suggests that CBD may counteract some of the adverse effects of THC.
The Entourage Effect
The entourage effect is a scientific theory suggesting that the different compounds in the cannabis plant work together to deliver a more potent effect. When combined, cannabinoids and terpenes may have more therapeutic potential than if they were isolated.
This potential cannabis synergy is thought to reduce some of THC's adverse effects with other compounds.
Breathing Exercises and Meditation
Breathing exercises and meditation can relax the mind and body. These techniques can be immensely helpful if your thoughts are racing or you're feeling paranoid.
Focus on each inhale and exhale with one hand on your heart and one on your stomach. Intentional breathing can ground you and make you feel more in control. It can also lower your blood pressure.
Take a Shower or Bath
A shower or bath can have calming effects. Hot water improves circulation, and steam can help clear your head. Try adding soothing aromatherapy to your bath by adding a few drops of lavender or chamomile essential oil.
In addition, a cold shower can jolt your system and make you feel more alert. Plus, jumpstarting your system may help you carry out the other activities on this list if you feel unmotivated or stuck. However, you should only take a cold shower if you can handle it.

Listen to Music or Watch Videos
Your favorite music or videos can provide a distraction and help you feel more in control. Listening to calm, gentle music can help you relax and improve your mood.
If you're restless or can't focus, try watching a funny movie or TV show. Laughter can help to release endorphins, which can improve your mood and help you stop being high.
Other ways you can distract yourself include:
Playing a game
Reading a book or magazine
Drawing a picture
Writing in a journal
While you might not feel like doing much, entertaining yourself will take your mind off how high you feel.
Take a Nap
Sometimes, the best way to stop feeling high is to sleep it off for a few hours. If possible, try taking a nap or going to bed early. This can help your body metabolize THC, and you will feel much better when you wake up.
Of course, not everyone can just lie down or fall asleep after using cannabis. If you have to be up and about, try to at least rest as much as possible.
Call Someone You Trust
If the above methods aren't working, try calling a close friend or relative to talk you through your experience. They can help you securely process any feelings you may be having and provide emotional support.
You can also reach out to an expert with relevant experience if you're stressed or feel pressured. Wellness professionals can help you understand and manage your feelings. They can also provide coping mechanisms for when you're feeling overwhelmed. This can be an invaluable service, especially if you're struggling to stop being high.
Remember This Is Temporary
The negative effects of THC are only temporary and typically wear off in a few hours. So no matter how uneasy you feel, remember this is not permanent. Stay calm and remember that this will pass. With time, you'll be feeling back to your usual self.
If you find yourself worried and uncomfortable, consider revisiting the techniques above. In addition, there are many available resources and popular articles you can reference, so don't hesitate to seek assistance if you need it.
How to Avoid Consuming Too Much THC
New and experienced cannabis consumers alike can unintentionally ingest too much THC. While it's not usually harmful, it can be unpleasant, and you should avoid doing it if you can.
Here are a few things most consumers do to avoid the adverse effects of THC.
Avoid Eating Edibles or Using Concentrates
Edibles can take a few hours to kick in, so if you're prone to consuming too much weed, it's best to avoid them altogether.
When eating edibles, start with a low dose and wait at least two hours before consuming more. Compared to smoking weed, edibles take much longer to take effect since your digestive system must first process them.
Marijuana concentrates are also very potent and are easy to overconsume. If you're new to using concentrates, start with a very small amount. You can ingest more if needed, but it's much harder to undo the effects of consuming too much weed.
Know Your Tolerance Level
If you're new to cannabis or don't know how the THC high feels, be careful with marijuana until you figure out your tolerance. Everyone has different tolerance levels, so what may be a strong dose for one person could be weak for another.
When determining your dose, consider your past weed experiences, body weight, consumption method, age, and metabolism.
Your tolerance will also increase the more frequently you use cannabis. If you find that you're using it more often than you'd like, it may be time to take a break. Regular cannabis use can be habit-forming and lead to tolerance build-up, which means you'll need increasingly larger doses to achieve the desired effects.
Avoid Weed Strains with High THC Content
Keep in mind that different cannabis strains can have different effects. For example, some may make you feel more energetic, while others can make you feel more relaxed. So do your research before trying a new weed strain.
Always Take Things Slow
When trying a new cannabis product, always take things slow. Start with a small amount or dosage and wait at least an hour before consuming more. For example, if you're smoking weed, take a couple of hits and wait to see how you feel.
It's always best to err on the side of caution and limit cannabis consumption, especially if you're new to cannabis. By taking things slow, you can avoid consuming too much THC and experiencing unwanted worry or overly intoxicating effects of cannabis.
Consider Your Environment
Try going to a quiet, safe place where you feel comfortable. This will help you relax and make the effects of weed more tolerable. Where do you feel most comfortable? At home in your bed? Curled up on the loveseat with a soft and cozy blanket? Outside in nature?
If you're feeling on edge, go to a quiet place where you can control your environment.
You should also avoid being around people that make you feel uncomfortable or anxious. If possible, try to be around people who make you feel safe and relaxed.
Until you know how you'll react to weed, avoid large gatherings like concerts or parties. If you consume too much, these situations may make you feel uncomfortable.
Don't Mix Other Substances with Cannabis
Cannabis can interact with other substances, like alcohol and prescription medication. Mixing these substances can amplify the effects of weed and cause health risks. In addition, mixing cannabis with other substances can make it difficult to know how much THC you consume. It can also make the effects of THC more intense and longer lasting.
Talk to your doctor before using marijuana, especially if you're on any prescription or have health conditions. They can help you understand how cannabis may interact with your medication and its potential risks.
Listen to Your Body
When using cannabis, it's important to pay attention to how you're feeling. The psychoactive effects of marijuana can vary depending on the person, so it's essential to know your limits.
If you feel anxious or paranoid on weed, start limiting your intake and take a few slow, deep breaths. Peer-reviewed studies show that breath-control can increase your comfort levels and decrease negative emotions like anger and confusion.
Final Thoughts on How to Stop Being High
Cannabis can be relaxing and fun, but sometimes people consume too much THC and experience adverse side effects. If you find yourself too intoxicated, there are several things you can do to stop being high.
Taming THC anxiety can be as simple as taking a walk, listening to music, or talking to a friend. If you're feeling particularly overwhelmed, you can also reach out to a wellness professional for help.
Remember, starting with a low dose is always best. By taking things slow, you can avoid consuming too much THC and reduce the chances of having an unpleasant experience.
At Burning Daily, our mission is to help you safely consume cannabis. Visit our blog to learn more about using cannabis safely and effectively.