5 Facts About Delta-8 THC

5 Facts About Delta-8 THC

Delta-8 THC is an emerging product option in the cannabis world and becoming available in convenience stores and online for everyone.

Delta-8 is considered a safe product with a low risk of any adverse events, and is being tested for its benefits and uses by people of all ages.

Unlike marijuana, Delta-8 THC is a cannabis product that is legal through legislative loopholes with cannabinoids deriving from hemp, similar to CBD oil.

Delta-8 THC products are being produced in many forms such as vape cartridges in different flavors to pre-rolled Delta-8 joints ready to smoke.

This emerging cannabis product may seem like a trend, but it could have potential benefits similar to THC products or CBD products.

Delta-8 is a psychoactive compound, however, there are only significant amounts of THC causing it to be very mild compared to THC products containing Delta-9 THC.

Key Takeaways:

  • Delta-8 THC comes from Cannabis Sativa plants.

  • Delta-8 THC is legal.

  • Delta-8 THC has mild psychoactive effects.

  • Delta-8 THC could have health benefits.

  • There are options in which to consume Delta-8.

In this article, we will deep dive into the facts behind Delta-8, how it compares to other cannabinoids and the possible uses of Delta-8.

1. Delta-8 comes from a cannabis plant.

When Delta-8 THC first hit the market, many were calling it synthetically produced; however, it occurs naturally from a cannabis plant.

Delta-8 is just one of the hundreds of cannabinoids found in cannabis plants, just like CBD or regular THC, which is technically Delta-9 THC.

There are two types of cannabis plants: hemp and marijuana.

The cannabis Sativa plant has many strains and varieties, but most commonly is grouped into the two categories of hemp and marijuana, and only one is federally legal.

Hemp is legal on a federal level.

Hemp is commonly grown on farms for use in a wide range of hemp products such as textiles, food, biofuels, clothing, and more. In fact, the value of hemp production totaled $824 million in 2021.

Hemp seed oil can be used in cooking. There are hemp lotions that are known for moisturizing the skin. There are even hemp-based clothes that are arguably more sustainable than other textile options.

Because of all these great uses, hemp is federally legal and is a great crop for farmers to produce.

Marijuana is federally illegal because of its intoxicating effects.

At the present time, marijuana is outlawed for the same reason as other controlled substances - because its substance use can cause intoxicating effects. Despite current knowledge of the health benefits of cannabis, it is technically illegal just like other drugs like cocaine.

Cannabis research has proven marijuana to have much lower safety concerns than other illegal drugs and a much less likeliness for substance abuse. It is not physically addicting for example. However, legislation on the matter is outdated.

The federal laws and legislation are behind, and many states have taken marijuana legislation into their own state laws.

States such as Colorado, Washington, and California were among the first to lead the way by legalizing marijuana and setting the standards for the cannabis industry and THC products. They regulate the products sold, age restrictions, and taxes.

2. Delta-8 THC is legal under federal law.

Delta-8 THC is a cannabinoid found in hemp plants and because of this, it is legal on a federal level in the same way that CBD is legal.

Delta-8 THC and CBD are two popular naturally occurring cannabinoids found in the hemp variety of plants, which are not illegal.

More recently, the cannabis industry is producing Delta-8 THC in the same methods they are extracting hemp-derived CBD.

Delta-8 and CBD-extracted products are typically manufactured into new forms such as tinctures, lotions, edibles, and more. Delta-8 THC and CBD products are legally sold online, and more commonly starting to be found in convenience stores, gas stations, and tobacco shops.

Delta-8 THC and CBD products are becoming commonly used in many households.

These hemp-derived CBD products have been exploding on the market over the last few years, and are now more common Delta-8 as well.

Because of its legality, demographics who traditionally are anti-weed have even been experimenting with these legal cannabis products.

This is because there have been more clinical trials proving the health claims of CBD in more recent years. More research in the future is likely to prove the possible health benefits of Delta-8 THC and other cannabinoids as well.

Delta 8 THC

3. Delta-8 THC has mild psychoactive effects in comparison to marijuana.

Since Delta-8 THC is just one chemical structure away from Delta-9 THC, which is the psychoactive substance, Delta-8 does have psychoactive effects too, which is unlike CBD.

Like THC in marijuana, Delta-8 THC will double bond to neural pathways when consumed, which produces a psychoactive reaction, also known as feeling high.

Delta-8 has a much lower psychotropic potency, and even though it is a psychoactive compound, it is much less concerning to public health. Delta-8 THC is much milder, and the effects are not as potent as marijuana.

People describe Delta-8 THC as a junior weed experience.

Most Delta-8 THC contains very little THC, which means it is not nearly as potent and less likely to cause adverse events as its sister cannabinoid, Delta-9 THC.

In fact, many users are actually choosing Delta-8 over marijuana for that reason: it is weaker.

Users describe Delta-8 as a more enjoyable high that does not come with the adverse effects of smoking weed such as a cotton-mouth feeling or experiencing red, dry eyes.

Despite its legality, it is worth noting that it can cause a failed drug test.

When taking Delta 8 THC products, it is possible that you will test positive for THC on a drug test. This is because basic drug tests do not differentiate the types of THC when testing for its presence on a urine test.

Since Delta-8 THC only has concentrated amounts of THC, it is likely that it does not stay in the system as long. Users should speak directly to their doctors about any concerns on this.

4. Delta-8 THC could have possible health benefits

Delta-8 THC binds to the body's endocannabinoid system just as CBD or THC does, which means it can have similar effects as well.

CBD is known for its medicinal properties because it is the cannabinoid with the most research behind it, and it is FDA-approved for treating seizure disorders.

Just because it is not FDA-approved yet, Delta-8 THC could have similar health benefits as marijuana and CBD products.

Cannabis products are being researched and used in medical care for a range of health conditions.

The FDA has technically only approved one CBD product for use in seizure disorders. Otherwise, any other claims said about cannabis products should always be taken as claims and not factual evidence.

This does not mean that health claims are made up or false, but there have been many scientific studies proving the benefits. It just means the federal government has not federally approved it as a trusted medication, likely because of all the legislation issues.

Despite the lack of federal approval, research has proven its effects on the endocannabinoid system in the human body.

It is public health information that Delta-8 THC and CBD both bind to the endocannabinoid system, which then affects our bodies in biological ways.

Delta-8 THC may boost appetite, calm nausea, provide pain relief, improve anxiety and mental health, and help cancer patients with their symptoms, according to WebMD.

More research on the potential benefits is being conducted and analyzed all the time. Some uses of cannabis include reduction in anxiety, reduction in cancer growth and tumors, anti-inflammatory properties, appetite support, and for sleep aid and pain relief.

Since cannabis plants naturally occur, it is considered a safer alternative to many synthetically produced drugs available in the medical world.

As scientists continue to extract parts of the cannabis plant, we can expect more knowledge on terpenes and cannabinoids like Delta-8 THC knowledge in the future.

5. Delta-8 THC products can be consumed in a variety of ways.

The method in which one chooses to consume Delta-8 THC can vary by-products in similar ways such as Delta-9 THC, but with a lower risk for adverse events like feeling overwhelmed or too high.

Some consumption methods include inhalation through vaping or smoking, digestion through eating edible products, and the application of transdermal products such as lotions, similar to CBD oil.

Whether you prefer to eat it, smoke it, or apply it, there is a wide range of options that users can choose from based on their needs.

Some prefer the head change that comes from lung inhalation, whereas some prefer the body high that comes from consuming through your digestive tract when eating a gummy.

The consumption method a user chooses to ingest Delta-8 THC products is up to them and their desired effects. Learn more about the best ways to consume Delta-8 THC products in this article.

If you are interested in trying Delta-8 yourself, check out our wide range of products here.


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